How to Post on Wise Guys

Wise Guys is a WordPress site. WordPress is an online environment for hosting blogs and Web sites.

Contributors can post to Wise Guys in two ways. First, you can do it yourself, or second, if you don’t want to get involved with learning how to use WordPress, you can simply send a word processing file and any relevant photos to me or to Ron Berger and we will post your submission for you. It’s that simple. Our email addresses are listed below.

How to Post on WordPress

If you would rather submit your posts by yourself and you are unfamiliar with WordPress, you might need some help getting started. If ever you feel you need in depth support, you can find a wide range of support topics and tutorials at the Support Home Page.

Most likely, your immediate need will be instructions on how to add and edit posts. Quick instructions are provided at the quick start video support page. I suggest you watch the first video. It’s only about three minutes long, and it covers most of what you will need to know. The format may look a little different than what appears in the current version of WordPress, but you should not have any problems following the instructions.

If you have issues you cannot solve, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me, Charles Cottle at, or with Ron Berger at We’ll be glad to help.

Charles Cottle
December 22, 2015


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